People are always asking us the best way to start building a light show for their band if renting lighting is not desired. We’ll disclose some ideas every week that you’re welcome to emulate within your band or share with others. Hope these tips will help!

The first priority in any lighting system is the front wash of light.
Anything you don’t capture will disappear in the eyes of the crowd, which is definitely not what you want. To accomplish this, you want to get lights out in front of the band.
Depending on the venue, you may have to use lighting trees or truss towers on the front corners of the stage, lights on truss at mix position, or lights hung on a rigged front truss or batten pipe provided by the venue. Hopefully they already have front lighting, but say you’re in a ballroom or wide open venue. ….You’ll have nothing but “house ceiling lights” and that’s boring.

You want to have an uncolored “special” or spot for every band member as well as a colored wash on the stage. LED fixtures can mix multiple colors if DMX controlled, and focused correctly can act as both.
Next we’ll talk about back light options. If you have any further questions, look below to call or email us directly!